Swabhimaan Trust - people with autism - enabled.in

Swabhimaan Trust – people with autism


Yoga literally means union .The field of yoga extends from the practice of simple physical exercises to the development of advanced mental and spiritual powers. Yoga symbolizes a unity in body, mind and spirit.

The uniqueness of Yoga lies in the fact that as the body relaxes, opens up and acquires a fluidity of movement and the mind follows. This helps in release of emotions. Tension drains away.

At any given time the body has a phenomenal ability to adapt and develop. Physical effort with regulated breathing can stimulate the viscera’s, the endocrine systems and the muscular systems so that the entire body comes in line. Movement and breath working together improves the circulation, which in turn has a good effect on the nervous system.

siddha …

The principles and doctrines of this system, both fundamental and applied, have a close similarity to Ayurveda, with specialization in latro-chemistry. According to this system the human body is the replica of the universe and so are the food and drugs, irrespective of their origin.

According to tradition, the origin of the siddha system is attributed to the great siddha Agastiyer. Some of his works are still standard books of medicine and surgery in daily use among the siddha medical practitioners.


The physical, psychic and cosmic language of the body is created from circadian rhythm of the universe set in motion some billions of years ago when five great elements were born. Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth, the first material for life are the basis for the Vedic sciences. In Ayurveda, human physiognomy is rooted in bodily humors, (doshas), tissues (dhatus) and wastes (malas). These three principles support all of life and are more than physical substance of our anatomy. The doshas, dhatus and malas are the messengers of communication that interphase the external and internal nature.

Play Therapy …

Play helps children to learn and practice new skills in a safe and supportive environment. Sensory motor play teaches young infants about their own bodies in the immediate environment. Explorative play teaches the older infant about objects and their properties in the world around them. Physical play, including rough and tumble play, teaches toddlers and pre-schoolers gross motor skills. Besides this, it provides both interactions with others children as well as objects in their environment. Social play such as playing doctors, police, teachers and so on makes children aware about social relationships and cultural norms of the society in which the child is born.


Why is diet such a critical issue for children with autism. Medical knowledge about diet is far more relevant for children with autism than anyone else. That is because most children with autism face a number of digestive and allergic problems. Medical researchers confirm that relationships exist between digestion, allergy, motility and behavior.

What are the common digestive / allergy problems faced by children with autism?

    • Autistic children have low stomach hydrochloric acid levels, which leads to incomplete digestion of food.
    • Lack of digestive enzymes is a common problem in children with autism.
    • They have lower pancreatic function and this lowers the production of bicarbonates and secretin.
    • Chronic candidiasis is a very common problem amongst autistic children. Candidiasis causes a release of arabitol compounds into the blood stream, which may then be converted into arabinose, which is found in excessive quantities in the urine samples of children with autism. This compound can impair brain function and triggers demyelination, which is a common finding in autism.
    • Increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome is commonly found in autistic children.
    • They tend to accumulate high level of transfatty acids. These substances coat over the cell walls like plastics, preventing the cells metabolizing and removing waste products.
    • Dairy and gluten maldigestion creates opiate compounds. Although rarely found in most people, these opiates are found in about 80% of autistics. The tests were determined by urine samples. Opiates interfere with normal cell growth, and can impede normal development.
    • The dietary ratio of omega6 to omega3 should be 4:1.  Among children with autism the ratio is not maintained. Imbalance of essential fatty acids is associated with defects in brain function.

Contact Us….

(Holistic solutions for autism)
Plot No: 301, Palkalai Nagar,
Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041
Ph: 044-24511670
Mob: 9841127599

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