Accessibility Archives - Page 10 of 10 -
Vehicle for Differently abled

Vehicle for Differently abled

Hyundai i10 customized to suit her requirements . The car is an automatic transmission fitted with a hand operated brake and accelerator. All the controls are dual in nature and can also be driven by the original foot controls.

Lack of proper footpaths in Chennai makes it tough for people with disabilities

Lack of proper footpaths in Chennai makes it tough for people with disabilities

Special pavement for disabled people by the Chennai Corporation’ reads the sign on a wall on Ranjit Road in Kotturpuram. Anbarasan, a person with physical disability, looks at the sign and laughs. Pointing to the condition of the footpath just below the sign, he assures this reporter that even a normal person would find it […]

Small cars for people with disabilities at railway station in allahabad

Small cars for people with disabilities at railway station in allahabad

World Disabled Day was a good enough reason to bring smile on those hundreds of faces who dream of travelling in a train but their physical disability stands as a barrier. to be Accessibility The Allahabad division of North Central Railway would now ply battery operated cars at some of the selected stations to help […]

Differently Abled People Accessible Tours

Differently Abled People Accessible Tours

Traveling in India for the physically challenged is not easy. India is slowly gearing up for making provisions for the physically handicapped or wheel chair bound traveler.

Techshare 2010 begins

Techshare 2010 begins

Techshare 2010 to be held in New Delhi on February 15 and 16 will see the conference move on 3 tracks.