ALIMCO looking for Management Trainees in Marketing
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India [ALIMCO] in Kanpur, India is looking for Management Trainees in Marketing
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India [ALIMCO] in Kanpur, India is looking for Management Trainees in Marketing
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India [ALIMCO] in Kanpur, India is looking for Management Trainees in Human Resource and Legal
Keep it in cool, dry place. Remove the cell, when the aid is not in use. Protect it from water and other liquid. Don’t leave the hearing aid near fire, stove, car or other vehicle and electrical appliances like Radio, TV etc.
Clean the movable parts of wheel chair and tri-wheeler regularly. Regular lubrication of axles and crossbars should be done. Clean thoroughly all leather and metal parts at regular intervals and mop them with clean cloth
The stump should be washed before going to bed with an antiseptic soap and warm water. Clean the inside of socket daily with mild soap and warm water. Stump socks should be washed daily.
Ensure that suspension cuff/band is in good condition and metal joints are not loose before wearing the appliance.Maintenance, upkeep and care of orthosis/caliper.Joints of the caliper should be oiled at least once in a week.Keep the appliance and shoes neat and clean.
The main objectives of the National Trust are to enable and empower persons with disabilities to live as independently and as fully as possible, to extend support to registered organisations providing need based services, and to evolve procedure for appointment of legal guardians for persons with disabilities requiring such protection. The Government of India has provided Rs.100 crores toward the corpus of the Trust. The income generated from the corpus is utilized to implement its programmes.