Income Tax Deductions for Persons with Disabilities ( 2019 Update )
As per the Finance Act, 2018, income-tax is required to be deducted under Section 192 of the Act from income chargeable – persons with disabilities
As per the Finance Act, 2018, income-tax is required to be deducted under Section 192 of the Act from income chargeable – persons with disabilities
Transfer, casual Leave, accommodation, other Facilities in respect of persons with disabilities who are already employed in Government.
Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – implementation of decisions relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities.
Indian Government Orders, Acts and Rules, Circulars, Reservations, Concessions, Allowances, Facilities and Court Judgements for Persons with Disabilities
TANGEDCO Conveyance Allowance – Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Differently abled employees; CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.119
Govt. sanctioned the Distress Relief Fund for the disabled persons. An amount of Rupees One crore was deposited in Treasury as corpus fund.
Differently abled women and also to the differently abled parents for the marriage of their daughters
The degree of evolvement of a society is gauged by the manner in which it cares for those on its fringes or those placed at any kind of disadvantage vis-a-vis the rest of society at large due to force of circumstances such as birth, age or disability. A truly compassionate society makes allowances for such infirmities in a non-intrusive, participative and sensitive manner, ensuring equal opportunities to all by providing a level playing field.
It is clarified that the grant of Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities is admissible for two years from the birth of the child so long as the woman employee does not have more than two surviving children.
தமிழ்நாடு வீட்டுவசதி வாரியத்தின் திட்டங்களின், மனை / வீடு / அடுக்குமாடி குடியிருப்பு ஒதுக்கீட்டில், மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கு வழங்கப்படும் 1 விழுக்காடு இட ஒதுக்கீட்டை 3 விழுக்காடாக உயர்த்தி வழங்க எனது தலைமையிலான அரசு முடிவெடுத்துள்ளது என்பதை தமிழக முதலமைச்சர் ஜெயலலிதா தெரிவித்துள்ளர்.