Best iOS Accessibility Apps
Best iOS Accessibility Apps – Seeing AI, Read2Go, Audio Game Hub, BlindSquare, Capti Voice, VoiceDream, ColoredEye, Prizmo, KNFB, TapTapSee
Best iOS Accessibility Apps – Seeing AI, Read2Go, Audio Game Hub, BlindSquare, Capti Voice, VoiceDream, ColoredEye, Prizmo, KNFB, TapTapSee
HHoT – Humanitarian Hands-on Tool for Accessibility & Inclusion – CBM Initiative. It’s gives you access to practical guidance with or without an internet.
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired – LookTel Money Reader, Kindle, TapTapSee, Be My Eyes and AccessNote & Dragon Dictation.
Voice Dream Reader is by far the most feature rich mobile TTS reader. The features are organized in an uncluttered, intuitive, highly usable way, so that what you need is always at your finger tips. All features are fully accessible with VoiceOver.
Dropbox has release iOS app with a new accessibility features. VoiceOver will announce the sign-in button, and when activated, display the sign-in screen.
Best Apps for persons with Hearing Impaired – SoundMeter, Hearing Loss Simulator, TV Louder and AUD-1
This apps is a great for students, teachers and parents. It helps you stay on track by scheduling your appointments and reminding you of deadlines.
Birdhouse App for Autism – Birdhouse can help you answer some of those questions, and learn more about your child in the process.
Speech Recognition iPad Apps for Learners with Dyslexia – Dragon Dictation, Siri and Vlingo
Reading iPad Apps for Learners with Dyslexia – Early Reading, Talking, Creating Stories, Text to Speech, Reading and Scanning iPad Apps