Wheel Chairs for Orthopaedically and Paraplegic persons
Wheel Chairs are given to the needy identified and deserving Orthopaedically differently abled and Paraplegic persons for their easy mobility.
Wheel Chairs are given to the needy identified and deserving Orthopaedically differently abled and Paraplegic persons for their easy mobility.
Tricycles are given to the deserving Orthopaedically differently abled persons for their easy mobility.
This directory of assistive technologies, for different kinds of disabilities, gives you the names and addresses of various manufacturers and suppliers. Over time, we will expand this list to include a much wider selection of entries. The directory is listed according to the following disabilities:
Tamil Nadu Govt. Schemes for differently abled Persons – Identification, Special Education, Early Intervention, Training and Employment, 3% Reservation in educational institutions and in employment, Assistive devices for differently abled persons, Maintenance allowance, Marriage assistance and Social Security Schemes