Swayamvaram for the Disabled -2011
Swayamvaram for the differently abled – 2011, conducted by Shree Geetha Bhavan Charitable Trust supported by Tamilnadu Handicapped Federation Charitable Trust on 04.09.2011 at Chennai.
Swayamvaram for the differently abled – 2011, conducted by Shree Geetha Bhavan Charitable Trust supported by Tamilnadu Handicapped Federation Charitable Trust on 04.09.2011 at Chennai.
The Tamil word Karunaii encompasses empathy, love and a helping hand. These are the concepts that guide the Karunaii Trust set up to address the urgent need for specialized care of mentally retarded children, particularly those from underpriviliged sections of society.Condemned and ostracized by the mainstream, these children are victims of physical, sexual and psychological abuse.From a small building in Saidapet, Chennai, in southern India,
The Social Catalyst is an Endeavour aimed at bringing about a substantial positive change in the functioning of Non-Government Organizations(NGO), especially small and budding Organizations. These NGOs are initiatives of well intentioned individuals who were interested in contributing to the Society. However, what they lack may be the professional outlook, requisite administrative skills, financial know-how and fund raising techniques. At times, the lack of proper processes might be perceived as lack of transparency with prospective donors and well wishers.
The Spastics Society of Tamilnadu (SPASTN) has been working for 20 years to assist people with disabilities to overcome negative community attitudes and to develop the skills they need to participate more fully in community life.
Established in 2006, Sukriti Social Foundation is a cross-disability organisation based in Chennai (Tamil Nadu, South India). We address key disability issues with initiatives in the following areas – prevention, rehabilitation, employability and advocacy.
“Like a spring the beginning of all things are small.” It happened to be the same with Life Help Centre when we incepted the tiny seeds of service to the handicapped in the year 1977. This organization started its service in a rented building at Adyar, Chennai which shifted soon to its own campus on 11.52 acres situated at Palavakkam which is towards the south of Chennai on the East Coast Road, in June 1983.
A large number of rural based disabled children hailing from the poor socio-economic background are deprived of opportunities for medical & other rehabilitation services. The Council through its well-knit District level Councils & network of other NGO’s receive such children at the Chennai based residential Child Care Center. They are provided with services like surgeries, physiotherapy, orthotics aids, counseling, special school and sponsorship assistance.
The IPD Orthopaedic Center was inaugurated by Smt. Indira Gandhi in 1960 It takes care of the rehabilitation of physically and mentally handicapped and spastic children. It has therapy wards brace workshop , a residential hostel, vocational rehabilitation unit and mentally challenged children units. It has treated more than 50,000 children and adults mostly polio afflicted, by providing corrective surgery mobility aids and education. Three of our boys have taken part in Special Olympics held at Atlanta and won Gold medals in Hand Ball and one boy won a Copper medal held Dublin 2003.
Krupa Home at Sriperumbabudur is an institution for physically challenged, especially for people suffering from autism and related problems. It is the vision of Swami Dayananda Saraswati to help the parents of individuals with special needs.
Saraswathi Kendra provides those supplements necessary for the all-round development of the child. Any child whose life is disturbed by problems that interfere with school performance and inter-personal relationships can benefit from this programme.