Facilities in respect of disabilities who are already employed in Government
Transfer, casual Leave, accommodation, other Facilities in respect of persons with disabilities who are already employed in Government.
Transfer, casual Leave, accommodation, other Facilities in respect of persons with disabilities who are already employed in Government.
PG medical courses – The percentage of seats to be filled up by persons with disabilities has been increased from 3% to 5%, 21 kinds of Disabilities
Indian Government Orders, Acts and Rules, Circulars, Reservations, Concessions, Allowances, Facilities and Court Judgements for Persons with Disabilities
Railways have asked differently-abled concession certificate holders to collect the Identity Cards that facilitate online reservation with concession.
மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கு Special Fees மற்றும் Tuition Fees செலுத்துவதிலிருந்து தமிழ்நாடு அரசு விதிவிலக்கு அளித்திருக்கிறது.
Car Excise Duty & Road Tax Exemption for Persons with Disabilities – Toll Tax Exemption; Excise Duty Concession Certificate and Amendment.
Booking of concessional tickets for orthopaedically handicapped / Paraplegic and Mentally retarded persons not accompanied by an escort.
Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities for Direct recruitment in Central Government
Concessional rate of excise duty of 8% as against the applicable rate of 16% and 24% on cars being able to be driven by the physically handicapped, suitably designed to be able to be driven by physically handicapped
Candidates with disabilities are eligible for grant of concessions such as extra time or assistance of a writer in CA examinations, as per the Guidelines in force