Job : Matron cum Nurse
A Non Govt. Organization for the care of Mentally and Physically challenged children in rural area near Badlapur Dist : Thane, Maharashtra requires the services of an experienced
A Non Govt. Organization for the care of Mentally and Physically challenged children in rural area near Badlapur Dist : Thane, Maharashtra requires the services of an experienced
Sangopita – A Shelter for Care : To reach out to the maximum numbers of affected children and make them self-dependant to the maximum possible Extent.
A Society where persons with Disability attain Holistic Development through Social Inclusion and Ensuring of Rights…To work among and through the Person with Disabilities at large, particularly with the Youth with Disabilities in the most Socio- Economically Disadvantage through a process of Organisation, Training, Networking, Education and Facilitating for Collective action through realizing their Human Rights Holistic Development.
This Organisation is the outcome of our chairperson’s dream come true. Lord ChennaiShe had to pledge her services to redress the sufferings of mentally ill persons as her own brother had fallen a victim to this illness and the trauma which he had undergone had been witnessed by her had moved her to dedicate her services to this field. Care and affection are the two sides of the coin which is playing an important role in dispelling the gloom with which these persons are eclipsed.
The Founder, who became blind in an accident during his Medical Project at Kalka, near Simla lost his both eyes in 1966. His vision towards the disabled community is much thicker after his blindness and he started weaving, wire-knitting training for the visually handicapped persons and placed them in contract work with Railways, Revenue Board, Central Government Offices during the Period of 1972 to 1982.
மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கு தங்கும் வசதியுடன் கூடிய தொழிற்பயிற்சி நிலையங்கள், 20 மாவட்டங்களில் துவக்கப்படும் என்று அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.சமூக நலத் துறையின் சேவை இல்லங்கள் மற்றும் அரசு குழந்தைகள் காப்பகங்களில் தங்கி, 12ம் வகுப்பு படித்த, நூறு மாணவியருக்கு, உயர்கல்வி படிக்க நிதியுதவி வழங்கப்படும். இதன்படி, உணவு, சீருடை மற்றும் கல்விச் செலவுக்காக, பட்டப்படிப்பு படிக்கும் ஒரு மாணவிக்கு, ஒரு ஆண்டுக்கு 30 ஆயிரம் ரூபாயும், தொழில் படிப்பு படிக்க, ஆண்டுக்கு 50 ஆயிரம் ரூபாயும் நிதியுதவி வழங்கப்படும்
SCARF is the acronym for the Schizophrenia Research Foundation, a non governmental, non profit organization in Chennai ( formerly Madras) in south India Founded in 1984 by a group of philanthropists and mental health professionals led by Dr. M.Sarada Menon, an internationally known psychiatrist, SCARF has established itself as a center of repute in rehabilitation and research in disorders of the mind.
Children with “severe disabilities” are also being enrolled in mainstream schools under the Inclusive Education for Disabled (IED) scheme of the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) this year.
Mother Nature and Human Resources mingle to make you rejuvenated; your hopes soar high; You come out with a new identity; Cheer takes over; Your Disability takes a backseat; Your confidence takes on the wheels. That is the Spirit of AMAR SEVA SANGAM, “LIVE TO SERVE”.
Anbu Illam Salem was started on 1985 – Mentally and physically challenged, Day care centre, Women Empowerment and Health Ministry