Tata Trusts invites application for research in autism,dyslexia and public health
Tata Trusts invites applications for research grants in three areas — autism, dyslexia and public health.
Tata Trusts invites applications for research grants in three areas — autism, dyslexia and public health.
This is a comprehensive workshop on the Brain Gym 26 activities which is the foundation movement program of the education kinesiology system.
Pearson India Education Services Workshop on Learning Disability for Professional; Location: Crossroads, Bangalore; Date: 9th and 10th July, 2016
Early identification and school-age treatment for dyslexia and related language learning difficulties
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at MGH Institute of Health Professions; Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
International Conference on Dyslexia in Kolkata. Dates: 11-12-13 December 2015. Venue: IMI, 2/4 C Judges Court Road, Kolkata. registration is 15 Oct, 2015
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she was diagnosed with a learning disability. While Piper struggled throughout elementary school, it was not until 7th grade that this disability was identified as dyslexia
Fostering Comprehension and Writing Skills in the mainstream classroom. A Three-Day International Workshop by Dr. R. Malatesha Joshi, Dr. Suzanne Carreker
Birdhouse App for Autism – Birdhouse can help you answer some of those questions, and learn more about your child in the process.