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Accessibility equipment for the deaf hotels in Chennai

Accessibility equipment for the deaf hotels in Chennai

You can easily make sure the hotel you select has the accessibility features you need. Or if you want rock-bottom prices, you can let the site pick your hotel. The big online agencies keep improving their utility, constantly adding new features and improving old ones.

PECS Downloads for Children with Autism

PECS Downloads for Children with Autism

These pictures, photographs, and worksheets are provided for educational purposes. Pictures/photos are copyrighted by Mayer Johnson or Silverlining Multimedia. I am not the owner of these pictures. Anyone with inquiries into permissions for presentations or other professional or educational usage should direct their questions to the above named companies).

Adaptive Equipment for Autistic Children

Adaptive Equipment for Autistic Children

Children with autism have different needs than other, non-disabled children. In some cases, the autistic child may also have physical disabilities, in addition to the expected social, situational and sensory difficulties. Adaptive equipment is anything that can be used to help your autistic child function more effectively. It may include anything from special cups or straws to PECS or items to help stop “stimming” (self-stimulation).