Aging and Your Eyes: When Should You See an Ophthalmologist
Aging and Disability is a perfectly natural part of life. As we get older, so does our body. It’s just one of those unalterable facts of life.
Aging and Disability is a perfectly natural part of life. As we get older, so does our body. It’s just one of those unalterable facts of life.
A 7-Year-Old Girl Got A New 3D-Printed Left Hand For The Wonderful Price Of $50
Inclusion Made Easy – Part A focuses on disability-inclusive development principles and Part B focuses on disability inclusion across a range of development sectors or program areas
In an historic move, the 67th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution endorsing the WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021, Better health for all people with disability.
Manasa means Deep Hearted Love and springs. Manasa school for the special children is a non-profitable organization created to look after the mentally challenged, spastic cerebral palasy, multiple disabilities and the other disadvantaged child in the age group of 2 to 40 years.
Hope is non-profit, non-commercial voluntary organization dedicated to the welfare of the mentally challenged. The Institute started with 2 students in 1996, today the Institute is serving 150 mentally challenged persons. The boys and girls are accomadated in two separate buildings with a common dining facility.
Getting a job that you really like is not a simple task for anyone. Then imagine what it is like for a visually impaired person? There are so many stereotypes about visually impaired people among the sighted community.
This is the story about Suprita Gupta, a young visually impaired girl from Jarkhand. Suprita left her home town and her family and came all the way to Bangalore to start living her own independent life. Suprita works at IBM and …but wait, let’s just listen to the story told by Suprita herself.
This is the story of Swarnalakshmi, a blind lady, the only daughter in her traditional Indian family. Swarnalakshmi lost her vision all of a sudden due to brain tumor 15 days before she was supposed to get married. In her story she tells about what helped her to restart her life and become an independent lady with a golden glow in her eyes.
This is a story of Vishal Jain, a visually impaired MBA student at IIM Lucknow, India. Coming from a small town in Karnataka state, Vishal had to stop his studies after 9th standrd due to deterioration of his eyesight and lack of awareness to handle it. However his inner urge to learn brought Vishal to Bangalore to learn to operate the computer and continue his studies.