ஹெலன் கெல்லரின் 139 ஆவது பிறந்தநாள் விழா
தேசிய பார்வையற்றோர் இணையம் தமிழ்நாடு மேற்குக் கிளையின் நாற்பதாவது ஆண்டுவிழா மற்றும் ஹெலன் கெல்லரின் 139 ஆவது பிறந்தநாள் விழா
தேசிய பார்வையற்றோர் இணையம் தமிழ்நாடு மேற்குக் கிளையின் நாற்பதாவது ஆண்டுவிழா மற்றும் ஹெலன் கெல்லரின் 139 ஆவது பிறந்தநாள் விழா
NIEPMD (Divyangjan) organising the Helen Keller Day Competitions – Short Film, Slogan Writing and Meme Contest.
Samrita Trust is a registered, non-profitable organization established in December 2006 to help blind students in colleges and schools, by providing suitable learning devices for their education. The learning devices provided by Samrita Trust help visually handicapped students (hereafter referred as ‘blind students’) to study on their own, the subjects in their courses and perform better in examinations. The Trust is inspired by Louis Braille, inventor of Braille, and indomitable spirit of Helen Keller.
Ever had a chance to meet Amitabh Bachchan or Raani Mukherji? Zamir Dahle, an individual afflicted with an impairment called ‘deaf-blindness’ has. Not only has he met them, but has had a chance to train them.
The last date for sending the nominations is 30th September, 2010. The eve of World Disability Day to encourage individuals and organisations who have been doing exemplary work towards promoting employment opportunities for people with disabilities.