Frontline Eye Hospital Chennai
Sight Enhancement Services – Frontline Eye Hospital is offering high tech, super speciality eye care in the field of Ophthalmology since 1994 with all state of the art equipments.
Sight Enhancement Services – Frontline Eye Hospital is offering high tech, super speciality eye care in the field of Ophthalmology since 1994 with all state of the art equipments.
Stepping into Vision Rehabilitation What you see is not a function of your eyes, but the strength of your inner vision ….
The Hospital is self-equipped with 3 fully functional operation theatres catering to various ENT & Head and Neck Operations. The Out patients Department caters to necessary investigations. These include Audiometry, Oto Acoustic Emissions, Electronystagmography, Impedance Audiometry, BERA, Hearing Aid Laboratory, Speech Therapy, Sleep Study Laboratory, Smell Test, Video Endoscopy, 24 hours pH monitoring, Radiology, Clinical Laboratory, Allergic testing and Electrocardiograms.