IUCTE International Conference on Inclusive Education
International Conference on Inclusive Education: Present Perspectives & Future Prospects. Education of Girls, Marginalized and Minorities, Learners with Disability and LGBT Community
International Conference on Inclusive Education: Present Perspectives & Future Prospects. Education of Girls, Marginalized and Minorities, Learners with Disability and LGBT Community
The overall aims of such conference is to get an opportunity to share and disseminate ideas, research findings, academic, field-level experiences on Inclusive Education
Two Days National workshop on Enhancing outcomes in inclusive education for special educational needs organized by NIEPMD(Divyangjan)
Ability foundation and Sathyabama institute of science and technology come together to offer 50 seats for students with disabilities
Inclusive education based on researches, evidence based practices, innovations and use of ICT and Assistive Technologies
National conference on Inclusive Education – Early Intervention, Identification, Classroom practices, Practices based on ICT and assistive technologies
The National Conference on “Special Needs and Learning Support in Inclusive Education” will be held between Feb 18-19, 2019 – Avinashilingam University
National Conference Inclusive Education and Technologies – barriers for people with disabilities in the information society, Accessibility.
TISS Call for Papers : International conference on Inclusive Education – Policy on Inclusive Education, Inclusive Curriculum, ICT, Assistive Technology
Basic understanding of mixed method research, importance and suitability in Indian context, significance in area of disability rehabilitation