Best iOS Accessibility Apps
Best iOS Accessibility Apps – Seeing AI, Read2Go, Audio Game Hub, BlindSquare, Capti Voice, VoiceDream, ColoredEye, Prizmo, KNFB, TapTapSee
Best iOS Accessibility Apps – Seeing AI, Read2Go, Audio Game Hub, BlindSquare, Capti Voice, VoiceDream, ColoredEye, Prizmo, KNFB, TapTapSee
The DEF-ISL app makes learning of sign language easy, accessible and interesting. Deaf Enabled Foundation create the app with supported by L&T .
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired – LookTel Money Reader, Kindle, TapTapSee, Be My Eyes and AccessNote & Dragon Dictation.
Seeing AI IOS App – A free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, power of AI to describe people, text and objects
IBM AbilityLab Mobile Accessibility Checker establishes a new set of mobile development best practices