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Braille Displays: Seika V3

Braille Displays: Seika V3

40 cell Braille Displays ; It is compatible with softwares like Dolphin Hal, Dolphin Supernova, Virgo, Jaws, Window-eye and has the interface support of a USB power source connection thus eliminating the need for an extra adapter.

Accessibility online tools

Accessibility online tools

Validation tools are used to check the code for standards compliance. HTML validators , CSS validators and broken link (or dead links) checkers are a few such tools. Following URLs point to some validation tools:

Visually-impaired can now learn in regional languages

Visually-impaired can now learn in regional languages

Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesis system, this new software will hit the market in November. Sponsored by the Centre’s department of Information Technology, TTS is a screen-reading software application that identifies and interprets Indian language text being displayed on the screen. Unlike former screen-reading software such as Jobs Access With Speech (JAWS) that only reads English text on the screen, TTS can read Marathi, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Bengali.

Asif Iqbal – outstanding disabled employee

Asif Iqbal – outstanding disabled employee

Asif Iqbal is a person who can easily become a role model for many.He has never let his disability come in his way. He has met the former President of India (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam) to discuss technology initiative which would benefit blind/ visually impaired community.

Mohammed Wasim, a visually challenged English tutor

Mohammed Wasim, a visually challenged English tutor

Articulate speech coupled with a pinch of philosophy and unending optimism defines Mohammed Wasim, a visually challenged English tutor, at the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled. Born with his vision intact, Mr. Wasim developed microphthalmos, a hereditary eye disease, that eventually led to his being visually impaired at the age of seven.