Special Educator Jobs in JR Handicapped University
Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University Job posts – B.Ed, Social Work, Special Education, Computer & information, Drwaing, FineArt, History,Music, Psychology, Sanskrit and etc
Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University Job posts – B.Ed, Social Work, Special Education, Computer & information, Drwaing, FineArt, History,Music, Psychology, Sanskrit and etc
Assistant General Manager Job – Essential Qualification: 1. Graduate in any discipline & 2. CA/ICWA/MBA (Finance). Last Date before 01.12.2014
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens to fill up the following posts of this National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped through direct recruitment on regular/ deputation / contract basis.
Rehabilitation Council of India, invites eligible candidates with relevant experience for the engagement of one ‘Research Officer’ on a consolidated remuneration of Rs.25000-30000 for its ‘Web Portal’ project purely on contractual basis initially for a period of six months likely to be extended.
Recruitment to the post of Chief commissioner for persons with disabilities under the ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
Eligibility: Persons with disabilities with at least a graduate degree; Last date for receipt of applications – September 15, 2014
A walk-in personal discussion will be held on 13th October (Monday) 2014 at 2.00 p.m. for the position of a Research Assistant (Occupational Therapy) purely on contractual and co-terminus basis with completion of the project duration
Rehabilitation Council of India : Applications are invited for one post of Assistant Director in the Council on deputation basis
A Leading Finance Company Offers Job Opening In Finance Sector For Differently Abled People in the direct Payroll of the Company.
who employs over 170,000 workers across the US, Latin America and the Caribbean for his Mexico City-based telecoms business America Movil, says those he employed in his call centers are very dedicated and are good for company morale. Corporate America has to realize that it makes good economic sense to invest in people with disabilities because they will help with the bottom line, Shriver added.