Assessment of Learning Disabilities
The parent, teacher, and student themselves may be in a position to provide critical information about past and present academic successes and challenges
The parent, teacher, and student themselves may be in a position to provide critical information about past and present academic successes and challenges
Learning disabilities may be co-exit with many conditions, including attentional, behavioural and emotional disorders, sensory impairments or other medical conditions.
List of Addresses of all District Differently Abled Welfare Offices in Tamil Nadu
A new place to make a difference in the lives of differently abled children. Ekadaksha Learning Center, a new establishment for differently-abled children, has opened its doors in the city. Ekadaksha hopes to ensure that children with special needs are accepted and respected for who they are, and to work towards a world where they can move towards their aspirations without trouble.
Bodhi learning centre Service Occupational Therapy, School Dyslexia, Special Education Theraphy, Physiotherapy Centres, Speech Therapy Centres, Speech Therapists, Schools For Learning Disabled
Today the centre is functioning as an education centre for learning disabled. Children with mild to moderate learning problems are identified from different schools through screening program and the children are assessed by different faculties like psychologist paediatrician, speech pathologist and an educator.
From the Elementary class level up to the Senior class level, importance is given to academic training. The five areas of training are reading, writing, number, money and time. The children who exhibit academic ability and show interest in learning are segregated and trained in the normal school syllabus in a limited way. So far three students have completed their 8th standard government examination and one is preparing for the 8th standard examination.
Sri Lalitha – is a creative school catering for the children in the age group of 5 to 15years with moderate Learning Difficulties, Slow Learners, Drop Outs, Speech Problem, Communication Disorder and Autism. The learning centre seeks to provide a friendly, caring and safe environment in which the children can develop their potential by having equal access to quality educational opportunities and experiences.
When he was four years old, Brian John Yim’s father left him and his younger brother with their mother and took everything away except an organ. The very object of his sadness became his source of comfort and inspiration. “The organ was the only connection I had with my dad,” says Yim. With no moneyfor piano lessons but an ear for music, he would listen and play the organ as his mother and grandmother sang along.
All categories of Differently Abled persons are permitted to travel throughout the State by paying 25% of the cost of the ticket and thereby availing 75% of the cost of the ticket as concession without any restriction on number of trips.