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Treatment of Learning Disabilities

Treatment of Learning Disabilities

Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities If parents suspect that their child has a learning disability, they should first contact the child’s teacher or principal, and if necessary, the local or state Director of Special Education. Public law requires the school to evaluate any child who is thought to have a learning disability. Evaluations are normally performed […]

Causes and Risk Factors of Learning Disabilities

Causes and Risk Factors of Learning Disabilities

The exact cause of learning disabilities is unclear. They appear to be due to disorders or developmental delays involving the brain. Inherited factors may play a part. The exact neurochemical difficulties within the brain are not known and the subject of ongoing, scientific research. Although poor vision, jerky eye movements, misaligned or crossed eyes, and […]

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

Definition of Learning Disabilities The terms learning disability, dyslexia, reading disability, and perceptual problems are frequently used in place of one other by the lay public. Learning disability is a more general term and refers to a difficulty in any aspect of learning, rather than merely the inability to read (dyslexia specifically). Description of Learning […]