MANI RBI கைபேசி செயலி – செயல்முறை விளக்கம் தமிழில்
மொபைல் எய்டட் நோட் ஐடன்டிஃபையர் (Mobile Aided Note Identifier) என்ற இந்த செயலி சுருக்கமாக ‘மணி’ (MANI) என்றழைக்கப்படுகிறது.
மொபைல் எய்டட் நோட் ஐடன்டிஃபையர் (Mobile Aided Note Identifier) என்ற இந்த செயலி சுருக்கமாக ‘மணி’ (MANI) என்றழைக்கப்படுகிறது.
Samsung Good Vibes is a two-way communication app that allows the deafblind to send and receive messages with friends, family or anybody else through their smartphones. It translates Morse Code input into text or voice and vice versa.
Best iOS Accessibility Apps – Seeing AI, Read2Go, Audio Game Hub, BlindSquare, Capti Voice, VoiceDream, ColoredEye, Prizmo, KNFB, TapTapSee
The DEF-ISL app makes learning of sign language easy, accessible and interesting. Deaf Enabled Foundation create the app with supported by L&T .
Jellow Team to demonstration of the Jellow app followed by a Q & A session. Discussions between parents, teachers and therapists. So kindly do attend.
Election Commission of India – PWD App. The ECI is working towards easing the voter identification and registration process for disabilities and facilities
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired – LookTel Money Reader, Kindle, TapTapSee, Be My Eyes and AccessNote & Dragon Dictation.
Jellow Communicator is a friendly Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that uses icons and images to enable speech.
Divyang Sarathi Mobile App for Persons with Disabilities – The accessible and comprehensive mobile application for persons with disabilities.
Seeing AI IOS App – A free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, power of AI to describe people, text and objects