ILL ABILITIES™ – Dance & Motivational Entertainment – No Excuses, No Limits
Ill Abilities – A squad of superhuman that have overcame their disabilities and turned it into a strength. Differently Abled dancers. No Excuses, No Limits
Ill Abilities – A squad of superhuman that have overcame their disabilities and turned it into a strength. Differently Abled dancers. No Excuses, No Limits
ARVI Trust – To ensure of Education, Employment/Self Employment and Empowerment (3E’s) of People with Disability.
The Chennai Vision Charitable Trust was established as the Community Wing of Rajan Eye Care Hospital in the year 1996 to serve the neediest and the poorest of patients in the rural villages, who have no possibility of receiving quality ophthalmic service.
‘Srishti’ Special School had started functioning from March 2004 under Aarthi Shruthi Memorable Trust (NGO) with the admission of fourteen children with learning disorders. Therapeutic programs are designed for early intervention to prevent disorders that may arise from genetic condition, adverse circumstances and developmental delays. Vision and hearing problems are such conditions that are identifiable at birth or soon after. Children who have significant delay in language, speech, motor, or cognitive development benefit, significantly from the program.
Muscular Dystropy Association is one of the first schools in India, which aims at working for children suffering from neuro muscular disorders over many decades and is leader in our area of Interest and are doing commendable work in the same field. The school is based out at T.Nagar, Chennai.
A leading multispecialty rehab centre in Tamil nadu, its running past 5 years in Scope Rehab Centre chennairoyapettah,chennai. Our center provides specialized therapy services for children and adolescents to gain optimal level of independence in all spheres of life. We are providing all the services under one roof, we have experienced & trained therapist handling one to one faces, children are given individual attention, we have treated more then 350 children in that 98% of kids are in main stream education.
From the Elementary class level up to the Senior class level, importance is given to academic training. The five areas of training are reading, writing, number, money and time. The children who exhibit academic ability and show interest in learning are segregated and trained in the normal school syllabus in a limited way. So far three students have completed their 8th standard government examination and one is preparing for the 8th standard examination.
Sri Lalitha – is a creative school catering for the children in the age group of 5 to 15years with moderate Learning Difficulties, Slow Learners, Drop Outs, Speech Problem, Communication Disorder and Autism. The learning centre seeks to provide a friendly, caring and safe environment in which the children can develop their potential by having equal access to quality educational opportunities and experiences.
The main object of “SAMARPANA” is to serve the society in general and the deprived sections of the society like SPASTIC and MENTALLY RETARDED, disabled, old aged, deserted women, orphans, destitute’s etc., in particular and to strive for the upliftment of the society, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Anbagam Special Educational Trust (ASET) is recognized for providing special care and training to all children fulfilling their special needs. We have implemented Individualized Education Program based on individualized assessment for the purpose. The school gives training to children according to their nature, capability and severity of disability. Based on each child’s level of functioning, teaching aids and learning materials are preferred to benefit them. We give additional attention to each child with a view to improve their activities of daily living, functional academic skills, and many more.