1st Open Chess Tournament for Persons with Disabilities
1st Open Chess Tournament for Persons with Disabilities (for Disabled, Partially Blind and Various categories) Conference Date: 6th Jan 2019 – 6th Jan 2019.
1st Open Chess Tournament for Persons with Disabilities (for Disabled, Partially Blind and Various categories) Conference Date: 6th Jan 2019 – 6th Jan 2019.
Posting and Transfer of Disabilities Bank Employees – No. 302/33/2/87-SCT(B); CDO/P&HRD-IR/51/2014 – 15; CDO/P&HRD-IR/6/2016
National Conference on Practices and Challenges Encountered in Implementing Policies related to Special Education, Sports and Adapted Games
4 Vacancies at National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities for M.Ed / PG candidates. Apply Before 12th September, 2011
Sai Prasad Vishwanathan took the phrase ‘nothing is impossible’ too literally! He fought against all odds — despite being thrown out of school once because of his physical disability — to get a research scholarship for an MS degree at the University of Wisconsin (USA), a gold medal for academic excellence, and job offers from three top MNCs, later culminating in an admission to the Indian School of Business (ISB). He also holds the record of being India’s first disabled person to skydive from 14,000 feet.
Initiate our awareness campaign on the importance of getting counted in the second phase of the enumeration of Census 2011 to be executed in February 2011.
Click-N-Type Click-N-Type is a free on-screen virtual keyboard for users who cannot use the regular keyboard. The users can use Click-N-Type by controlling a mouse, trackball, touch screen or other pointing device. This software keyboard allows the users to send keystrokes to virtually any application such as Windows or DOS that can run within a […]