Job Vacancies in NIOH
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens to fill up the following posts of this National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped through direct recruitment on regular/ deputation / contract basis.
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens to fill up the following posts of this National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped through direct recruitment on regular/ deputation / contract basis.
A complete intervention program for all developmental disorders and disabilities under one roof. Mingling of professionals in team approach paves a unique way for outstanding treatment prognosis to patients.
Mental retardation has an impact on all areas of life such as social, educational, health and economics. While knowledge of both the causes and ways to prevent mental retardation has grown enormously, comprehensive programs for prevention are not consistently implemented or used. Comprehensive programs must include biomedical advances, public education, socio-economic interventions, preventive health care and elimination of environmental hazards.
St. Anne’s Rehabilitation centre works with children with mental retardation and hearing impairement. The school provides residential facilities for nearing 200 mentally retarded children and 80 hearing impaired , free of cost for the poor.
Star Special School is a rehabilitation centre for the mentally retarded, hearing impaired and the multiple disabled. The school provides different types of therapies including physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, yoga therapy, and music therapy.
Ultimate care and cure is run by qualified Professionals trained in Various multi speciality hospitals including Orthopedic Physiotherapy, Neuro physiotherapy, Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy, sports Physiotherapy, Geriatric Physiotherapy and Manual therapy.
Good physio care in all ortho,neuro conditions,sri dhanvantri physiotherapy clinic filled with all advanced physio equipments,sri dhanvantri physiotherapy clinic offers excellent home care and house visits for all conditions.
Good Life Centre is a registered charitable organization that functions as an orphan age home and rehabilitation center for physically and mentally challenged children. It functions to serve and provide shelter for orphans. The center is recognized by the government of Tamil Nadu. The center was established in the year 1996.
Occupational therapy is the art and science of helping people do their day to day activities that are important to them despite their impairment, disability or handicap. ‘Occupation’ in occupational therapy does not simply refer to jobs or job training ; Occupation in occupational therapy refer to all of the activities that occupies peoples time and gives meaning to their lives.
Bodhi learning centre Service Occupational Therapy, School Dyslexia, Special Education Theraphy, Physiotherapy Centres, Speech Therapy Centres, Speech Therapists, Schools For Learning Disabled