Chennai Eagles – Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Basketball is one of the largest leading international Paralymmpic Sports, Played by people with a wide range of physical impairments.
Wheelchair Basketball is one of the largest leading international Paralymmpic Sports, Played by people with a wide range of physical impairments.
இந்தியாயில் முதல்முறையாக உலக வரலாற்றில் மருத்துவத்துறையில் ஒரு சாதனை அற்புதமான மூலிகை மருந்து மூலமாக போலியோ நோய் குணப்படுத்தலாம்
India is marking three years since its last reported polio case, a landmark in the global battle against the disease : Polio-Free India to get WHO certification
The Agape Rehabilitation Center in Chennai works to give them the skills to hopefully find a job.”Our students have special needs so a regular computer center might not patient or modified to suit their needs, so this special center is very essential,” said Agape Coordinator Avitha Daniel.
The aim of this FDMSE is to translate the declaration of Swami Vivekananda into action. With regard to proper education, he had said that all perfection and powers were already within each individual, and education was the means to make them manifest in the lives of individuals.
The Clarke School for the Deaf was founded in the year 1970 which was a dream initially started in a modest way in a small rented house and today has grown into a fully functional State Board affiliated school as well as an internationally recognized Institute serving persons with disabilities in various aspects.
Tirupur school for the Deaf functions to enhance the quality of life for the hearing impaired members of the society who have special communication needs, through continuous special education, value based education and vocational programmes and services.
A humble request from the Trust and the staff of Jeevan Gnanodhaya. The economic downturn has affected all our donors and hence the donations, with which we have been able to continue this service, has come down by 75%. We are finding it difficult to make ends meet.
All the children come from very low economic background – children of single parents, widows, and destitute women or below poverty line. All services like education, uniforms, food, medical facilities transport, mobility aids, hearing aids and learning aids for the blind are provided free of cost.
I had Polio in 1956 & I was almost normal up to 1997 when I had a freak accident involving my good leg i.e. the left one which resulted in fractures to the tibia & fibula. That was when I was 42 years. Now I find everything to be disabled unfriendly.