An integrated special kid
The true idea of education is to inculcate the principle of inclusion , integration and socialization. And the idea exists in reality through Govind …
The true idea of education is to inculcate the principle of inclusion , integration and socialization. And the idea exists in reality through Govind …
The Scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, simplifies and facilitates procedure for easy access to Govt. support for NGOs with the aim to widen the scope and range of programmes. It will address the unmet need of over 95 percent Indian citizens with disabilities who have not had access to services so far.
The degree of evolvement of a society is gauged by the manner in which it cares for those on its fringes or those placed at any kind of disadvantage vis-a-vis the rest of society at large due to force of circumstances such as birth, age or disability. A truly compassionate society makes allowances for such infirmities in a non-intrusive, participative and sensitive manner, ensuring equal opportunities to all by providing a level playing field.
Based on the sanction letters received from the Nationalised Banks, Government Subsidy equal to 1/3rd of loan amount or Rs.3,000/- whichever is less is paid for the Bank Loan scheme.
The scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, facilitates and supports the NGOs to promote Voluntary action for persons with disabilities. For example, Special Schools for persons with disabilities, Sheltered Workshops, Projects for the Pre-school and Early Intervention and training etc. are funded as Grant-in-aid by the Government of India.
National Programme for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities which provides community based rehabilitation services to the disabled.
In order to provide effective rehabilitation services to the disabled persons at the district level, a team of officials are functioning in all 32 districts of the State under District Disabled Rehabilitation Officer
Under the National Programme for Rehabilitation of Persons with disabilities, the Office of the Special Commissioner for the Disabled, Chennai has established a State Resource cum Training Centre at K.K. Nagar.
Chaitanya Trust Home for Disabled is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization founded by Mr. Kasinathan, a person of immense commitment, empathy and perseverance. Born in Kumbakonam – Tamilnadu in a middle class family, Mr.Kasinathan is a senior social worker for the last 50 years, presently settled at Chromepet, Chennai.
Rehabilitation and provision of locomotor aids can make a huge difference on a disabled persons future; a handicapped human being can be empowered to lead a good and dignified life in which he can contribute to society in his own abled way. Our mission is to make this happen.