ReadEasy Move Standalone Reading Machine
If you find reading with a video magnifier difficult or impossible, then ReadEasy Move could be the solution for you. It translates any printed text into crystal clear speech within seconds
If you find reading with a video magnifier difficult or impossible, then ReadEasy Move could be the solution for you. It translates any printed text into crystal clear speech within seconds
It provides captured magnification upto 80x & live magnification upto 16x and Text can be viewed in more than 50 colour viewing combinations
It is a highly portable camera system that gives its users instant access to practically any physical document. Scanning speed of 20 pages per minute
A Revolutionary Multi-Player with OCR for Books, Music, Documents, Podcasts, Recording, DAISY and More!
Sparsh Forming Machine is useful and economical for producing limited number of copies for immediate use like question papers for examination, notes etc.
When verbally describing a concept isn’t enough Sparsh Tactile Maker Takes swell paper/flexi paper and creates a tactile image.
This new upgrade text player HV Pro Daisy Player inherits the old version text player’s features such as excellent audio quality, smooth text reading ability and so on. Based on those traditional features
A Lightweight Daisy Player, Digital Talking E-book Reader, MP3 Player, Radio and Voice Recorder all in one for Blind & Visually Impaired.
The Interpoint 55 electronic Braille embosser has been designed for reliable, economical practical and high-quality Braille production.
Tiger Elite Braille Printer – It has a printing speed of 900 Pages Per hour and is a combined Print and Braille Embosser.