Special Education
Scribe Assistance for visually impairment student

Scribe Assistance for visually impairment student

9ஆம் வகுப்பு முதல் 12ஆம் வகுப்பு வரை பயிலும் பார்வையற்ற மாணவர்கள் காலாண்டு, அரையாண்டு மற்றும் முழு ஆண்டுத் தேர்வில் வினாக்களுக்கு வாய் மூலம் அளிக்கும் பதிலினை எழுதும் உதவியாளருக்கு ஒரு தேர்வுத் தாளுக்கு ரூ.50/- வீதம் உதவித் தொகை வழங்கப்படுகிறது.

Readers Allowance for visually impaired students

Readers Allowance for visually impaired students

The Visually impaired students are given readers allowance. Readers allowance is being paid at the following rate: 1. IX Std. to XII Std. Rs.3000/- (per annum) 2. Degree courses Rs.5000/- ( per annum) 3. Post Graduate and Professional Rs.6000/- (per annum) courses

Scholarships for differently abled student

Scholarships for differently abled student

Scholarship for students studying from 9th Std. to 12th Std, Rs.4000/- per annum; For Degree Courses Rs.6000/- per annum. For P.G., Medical, Engineering, Vocational Courses and other Professional Courses. Rs.7000/- per annum.

Prema Vasam- Home for the Mentally & Less Fortunate Children

Prema Vasam- Home for the Mentally & Less Fortunate Children

PREMA VASAM is a A home for the Mentally & Physically Challenged and Less Fortunate Children. It is the only home of its kind that caters to the needs of a large number of special children along with the less fortunate normal children. It aims to work with these special children and their families irrespective of caste, creed, religion and financial background. As the name Prema Vasam means, it is a place of love or where love resides. Prema Vasam provides residential care to the children who are differently abled, mentally challenged and less fortunate. It renders relentless service to these children to realize their potentials and to enable them to serve others. It is registered under Charitable Trust Act, Registration No.419 of 1999. Further it is a non profitable organization.

FiVE – Pediatric Therapy Centres

FiVE – Pediatric Therapy Centres

It is very important to keep in mind that we are working with the CHILD here, NOT SOLELY THE CONDITION. Unless everyone involved with your child interacts and decides on common goals, style or approach, therapy becomes useless.

UDAVI Society – Upliftment of democratic and village improvement

UDAVI Society – Upliftment of democratic and village improvement

Poverty among the urban population has many deterring effects and foremost of them would be inability to fulfill basic needs and the absence of cohesion within the community. In such an unfavorable scenario, differently abled persons in urban slums are doubly marginalized and vulnerable since they have to bear the brunt of socio economic status coupled with their physical/mental conditions. Apart from toiling under grave poverty, ripped off basic amenities, the differently abled have very less access to medical facilities and are denied support services. Inaccessibility to therapeutic measures is a part of economic deficiency and low self esteem characterized in differently abled is attributed to the need for belonging and self sufficiency.

Indian council for child welfare, Tamil nadu

Indian council for child welfare, Tamil nadu

A large number of rural based disabled children hailing from the poor socio-economic background are deprived of opportunities for medical & other rehabilitation services. The Council through its well-knit District level Councils & network of other NGO’s receive such children at the Chennai based residential Child Care Center. They are provided with services like surgeries, physiotherapy, orthotics aids, counseling, special school and sponsorship assistance.

Ecomwel Orthopaedic Center

Ecomwel Orthopaedic Center

Ecomwel Orthopaedic Centre is a registered Non Governmental and non profit organization established in the year 1986 to provide comprehensive health care and Community Based Programmes for the uplift of rural disabled, children of leprosy patients, rural poor and underprivileged. Ecomwel orthopaedic centre feels happy and honored for serving thousands of disabled in bringing them to the mainstream of society.

Mother Theresa Society for the Handicapped

Mother Theresa Society for the Handicapped

Creating a Situation that allows each person with disability to live as fulfilling, self-reliant, and whole a life as possible, in close relation with other people.Helping other people-family, members of the community to accept, respect, feel comfortable with, assist (only where necessary), welcome into their lives, provide equal opportunities for, and appreciate the abilities and possibilities of persons with disability