Funeral Expenses of a Differently Abled Persons
Financial Assistance to meet the Funeral Expenses of Differently abled persons – Rs. 2000
Financial Assistance to meet the Funeral Expenses of Differently abled persons – Rs. 2000
Accident relief given to Differently Abled persons upto a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- (Death). Loss of both Legs / both hands / one hand and one leg / loss of sight in both eyes – Rs.1,00,000/
All categories of Differently Abled persons are permitted to travel throughout the State by paying 25% of the cost of the ticket and thereby availing 75% of the cost of the ticket as concession without any restriction on number of trips.
Maintenance allowance is given at the rate of Rs.1,000/- per month to the severely Differently Abled persons who cannot be rehabilitated by any other assistance. The Allowance is sent through “ “Core Banking system” to their bank account.
Marriage assistance is given to Differently Abled person who marries a Differently Abled person; Total Assistance is Rs.25,000/-. If any one of the Differently Abled person is holding degree or Diploma, the Marriage Assistance amount is Rs.50,000/-;
Marriage Assistance is given to normal person marrying Speech and Hearing Impaired persons . Total assistance given is Rs.25,000/- If either the Differently Abled person or normal person is holding degree or Diploma, the Marriage Assistance amount is Rs.50,000/-;
2% reservation of the non-teaching posts in Government/ Educational Institutions are earmarked for Speech and Hearing Impaired persons
3% jobs in Government Departments / Government Undertakings, Boards and Universities have been exclusively Reservation of jobs for Differently Abled (1% each for Visually Impaired, Speech and hearing impaired and locomotor Differently Abled) persons.
Scholarship for students studying from 9th Std. to 12th Std, Rs.4000/- per annum; For Degree Courses Rs.6000/- per annum. For P.G., Medical, Engineering, Vocational Courses and other Professional Courses. Rs.7000/- per annum.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 73 of the persons with disabilities ( Equal opportunities, Protection of rights and full participation) following amendments to the tamil nadu persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of rights and full participation) Rules, 2002.
The amendments hereby shall come into force from the date of publication in the Tamil nadu government gazette