VAT Exemption for Battery operated motorised retrofitted scooter
Exemption from payment of VAT on Battery operated motorised retrofitted scooter for the use of differently abled persons
Exemption from payment of VAT on Battery operated motorised retrofitted scooter for the use of differently abled persons
Extend various sports and games facilities under the control of Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu to differently abled persons – Orders – Issued.
Maintenance Allowance is given at the rate of Rs. 1,000/- per month to leprosy affected persons. The inmates accommodated in the Government Rehabilitation Homes are also eligible to receive this allowance
Reflecting Folding sticks are being distributed to needy Visually impaired persons to enable them to walk freely and independently
Magnifiers are distributed to needy Students with low vision to enable them to read books .
Encourage the Hearing Impaired students to wear Hearing Aids to increase their speech capacity, ‘Behind the Ear’ Hearing Aids are provided.
Retrofitted petrol scooters are provided for severely Orthopaedically affected whose both legs are disabled. Students, employed and self employed Differently Abled persons are eligible.
The Institute intends to Purchase a PODIUM for its conference Hall at its Headquarters Muttukadu. The Institute is inviting sealed tenders from reputed suppliers & agencies with proven track record to manufacture the Podium.
The Institute intends to procure One People Transport Vehicle 06 Seater Electric and One 2ton electric Tug (disposer vehicle) with 02 trollies (Each have capacity to carry at least 01 Ton load) for its daily use.
NIEPMD is established at Chennai, Tamilnadu by Government of India to serve as a National Resource Centre to provide various services to Persons with Multiple Disabilities. The institute intended to procure below mentioned equipment for the year of 2014 and 2015.