Calipers and Crutches for Orthopaedically differently abled persons
Calipers and Crutches are given to the needy and deserving Orthopaedically Differently Abled persons for their easy mobility.
Calipers and Crutches are given to the needy and deserving Orthopaedically Differently Abled persons for their easy mobility.
Goggles and Folding sticks are being distributed to needy Visually impaired persons to enable them to walk freely and independently as well as to protect from sunlight and moisture.
The Hearing Impaired persons are given hearing aids with Solar Rechargeable Batteries free of cost to enable them to interact with other normal persons in the society
Wheel Chairs are given to the needy identified and deserving Orthopaedically differently abled and Paraplegic persons for their easy mobility.
Tricycles are given to the deserving Orthopaedically differently abled persons for their easy mobility.
மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கு 5லிருந்து 9 சதவிகித வட்டியில் கடனுதவி வழங்குதல். 18 வயதிற்கு மேற்பட்டவராக இருத்தல் வேண்டும்; மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளாக இருத்தல்வேண்டும்; தொழில் முனைவோராக இருத்தல் வேண்டும்.
2% reservation of the non-teaching posts in Government/ Educational Institutions are earmarked for Speech and Hearing Impaired persons
Reservation – 1% each for Visually impaired persons, speech and hearing impaired and locomotor disabled. 3% of the total seats in Government and Government aided educational institutions have been allotted to the Differently Abled
3% jobs in Government Departments / Government Undertakings, Boards and Universities have been exclusively Reservation of jobs for Differently Abled (1% each for Visually Impaired, Speech and hearing impaired and locomotor Differently Abled) persons.
2% Reservation of Teaching Posts of the teaching posts are to be filled up with Visually impaired .