மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் நலத்திட்டம்
…. தமிழக அரசின் மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் நலத்திட்டம்
…. தமிழக அரசின் மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் நலத்திட்டம்
An official press release here said, of the 95 teachers appointed, 68 were men and the rest women. With this, 856 differently abled people, including blind, had been appointed as graduate teachers in government schools.
Tamil Nadu Govt. Schemes for differently abled Persons – Identification, Special Education, Early Intervention, Training and Employment, 3% Reservation in educational institutions and in employment, Assistive devices for differently abled persons, Maintenance allowance, Marriage assistance and Social Security Schemes
Anbu Illam Salem was started on 1985 – Mentally and physically challenged, Day care centre, Women Empowerment and Health Ministry