Professional Tax Exemptions for Persons with Disabilities (Tamil Nadu)
Tamil Nadu Professional Tax Exemptions for differently abled (Persons with Disabilities) – Act No.24 of 1992 – Act No.24 of 1992. Received on 12th June 1992.
Tamil Nadu Professional Tax Exemptions for differently abled (Persons with Disabilities) – Act No.24 of 1992 – Act No.24 of 1992. Received on 12th June 1992.
As per the Finance Act, 2018, income-tax is required to be deducted under Section 192 of the Act from income chargeable – persons with disabilities
Income Tax Deductions for Persons with Disabilities (80U, 80DD and 10[14] -Allowances ). Tax Deductions (Rs. 75000 and Rs. 125000).
80U Tax Deductions for Disabilities – Section 80U Tax Deductions in respect of a person with disability. Rs 75,000/- and Rs 1,25,000/
Section 80DD Tax Deductions in respect of maintenance including medical treatment of a dependent who is a person with disability
Some questions are raised about GST rates fixed for specific devices for physically challenged persons. Kept at the concessional 5% GST rate.
Rollback GST for Persons with Disabilities #RollbackGST4PwDs – On what basis are these tax rates being fixed is beyond comprehension! But, all is not lost!
GST Bill 2017 – GST Tax for Persons with Disabilities 5%, 12%, 18% summary report
Car Excise Duty & Road Tax Exemption for Persons with Disabilities – Toll Tax Exemption; Excise Duty Concession Certificate and Amendment.
The outcomes of Budget 2016 – 17 will potentially benefit a very small percentage of the population of persons with disabilities who can afford assistive devices from the market.