National conference on Inclusive Education
The overall aims of such conference is to get an opportunity to share and disseminate ideas, research findings, academic, field-level experiences on Inclusive Education
The overall aims of such conference is to get an opportunity to share and disseminate ideas, research findings, academic, field-level experiences on Inclusive Education
N for nose state of the education report for India 2019 children for disabilities – UNESCO India Reports and 10 recommendations.
National conference on Inclusive Education – Early Intervention, Identification, Classroom practices, Practices based on ICT and assistive technologies
National Conference Inclusive Education and Technologies – barriers for people with disabilities in the information society, Accessibility.
TISS Call for Papers : International conference on Inclusive Education – Policy on Inclusive Education, Inclusive Curriculum, ICT, Assistive Technology
National Conference on Inclusive Education – Enhanced competence of special educators to teachers to improve access of children with disabilities