Engage Disability Conference India 2014
Engage Disability India 2014 is all about connecting with each other so that, together, we can make a difference in the church and in the lives of people experiencing disability throughout India
Engage Disability India 2014 is all about connecting with each other so that, together, we can make a difference in the church and in the lives of people experiencing disability throughout India
Contact eksang vocational school for special children at 9560356246, 9871030009. You can well imagine how worried must be the parents of these children. If their children acquired some skills, they would feel much relieved.
Uma Manovikasa Kendram (Uma Educational & Technical Society), The organization has dedicated and committed for the cause of action towards promotion of inclusive, barrier free and right based society for the differently abled.
Vocational Training in Tailoring, DTP, Book Binding, Leather Work, MS Office, Mobile Phone Repairing, Printing, Computer Software and Hardware to Disabled.
1250 PWDs through Diploma Program and 5000 PWDs through vocational / skill development program will be trained every year. The VRCs will issue the ‘Vocational Evaluation Certificate to eligible PWDs. The PWDs or their parents may contact nearest VRC or Polytechnic, listed below along with certificate of birth, education, disability, two photographs and Vocational Evaluation Certificate of VRC.
To enhance the Quality of Life of the Persons with Mental Disabilities and facilitate their reintegration in the environment of their choice. Mobilize resources both within and outside the community, for the rehabilitation of the persons with mental disabilities.
The Training Centre for the Adult Blind (TCAB) is the oldest unit of the Institute which has the onerous responsibility of opening up new and challenging training and employment opportunities for the visually impaired persons. The vocational courses being offered are continuously aligned with the latest market trends and present day industrial requirements.
The scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, facilitates and supports the NGOs to promote Voluntary action for persons with disabilities. For example, Special Schools for persons with disabilities, Sheltered Workshops, Projects for the Pre-school and Early Intervention and training etc. are funded as Grant-in-aid by the Government of India.
Chaitanya Trust Home for Disabled is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization founded by Mr. Kasinathan, a person of immense commitment, empathy and perseverance. Born in Kumbakonam – Tamilnadu in a middle class family, Mr.Kasinathan is a senior social worker for the last 50 years, presently settled at Chromepet, Chennai.
Aarrvins Home is a humanitarian organization mainly fighting for the developmentally delayed persons. We are a non-profit organization with a primary focus on upliftment of the underprivileged mentally and physically disabled children mainly the coastal areas of Tamilnadu, India. Located in Muthalakurichy (Hope Centre), with mentally challenged persons and has facilities for special care and education, vocational training and medical rehabilitation. It will be considered a model centre.