Challenges Of Adolescence: Behaviours, Sexuality, Learning Strategies
Workshops – Challenges Of Adolescence: Behaviours, Sexuality, And Learning Strategies That Work organized by APPA, Kolkata
Workshops – Challenges Of Adolescence: Behaviours, Sexuality, And Learning Strategies That Work organized by APPA, Kolkata
International Conference on Dyslexia in Kolkata. Dates: 11-12-13 December 2015. Venue: IMI, 2/4 C Judges Court Road, Kolkata. registration is 15 Oct, 2015
The award will be presented in the two categories- Best Employee working with Disabilities and Best NGO working in the field of disability. Last Date : 8th December, 2014
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens to fill up the following posts of this National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped through direct recruitment on regular/ deputation / contract basis.
A Leading Finance Company Offers Job Opening In Finance Sector For Differently Abled People in the direct Payroll of the Company.
Junior Telecom Officers (JTOs) recruitment in BSNL under Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities.
Please file your complaint along with disability certificate and supporting documents as mentioned in Rule 42 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1996 (PwD Rules) by post or by hand.
Contact information for Union Territories & State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
NSFDC is the apex organisation to finance income generating ventures of SCs and to provide grant for skill development programs through State Channelising Agencies . The NSFDC has various schemes / loan lending programmes such as Term Loan,Seed Capital Loan, Bridge Loan, Working Capital Loan, Micro Credit Finance Scheme, Mahila Samridihi Yojana etc. to BPL families as well as APL families.
The Regional Employment Officer Special Employment Exchange for differently abled persons