TEMPO Uniski and TEMPO Dualski
The Tempo Dualski and Uniski are intended to people who have a lower limb disability. They allow to ski independently with remarkable performances like the best stand up skiers.
The Tempo Dualski and Uniski are intended to people who have a lower limb disability. They allow to ski independently with remarkable performances like the best stand up skiers.
Pristine Flex – Power wheelchair Redefining the Lifestyle – Indias most cost effective All Terrain Wheelchairs
Galaxy is an excellent indoor/outdoor electric wheelchair with Split Frame Technology and Automatic Wheelbase Adjuster (AWA). The Automatic Wheelbase Adjuster (patented technology) enables you to adjust the wheelbase to match your driving conditions.
TETRA EXi Wheelchair with world’s first Split Frame Technology The best seller… the most admired medium class powered wheelchair….The excellent drive control and maneuverability is a result of the revolutionary spilt frame technology…Now the longest journeys are pleasure for you with the advantage of great comfort and safety. Tetra Exi will take you almost everywhere…life […]
The best choice for your basic mobility and portability, V10 FX makes life enjoyable indoors as well as outdoors. The folding frame makes it easy to carry even in the smallest vehicles. FX comes with removable seat back and removable foot rest for space management.
Ostrich Mobility Verve LX is The most cost effective powered wheelchair in india. LX comes with rigid frame that facilitates basic mobility. This model is recommended for indoors as well as outdoors.
The corporation arranges for free disability aid and appliances to the physically challenged persons from poor economic background under various government schemes.
Body Up Evolution is a new “4 in 1” – every day living – aid, giving solution for both the user and the carer. It is a patient lift, designed to provide dignity to the user and needing very little muscular effort from the carer.
The wheelchair provides a comfortable and efficient mode of ambulation for child with cerebral palsy or persons whose physical dysfunction. The cerebral palsy wheelchair is essential to making activities.
John Charles Hockenberry is an American journalist and author. A four-time Emmy Award winner and three-time Peabody Award winner, Hockenberry has worked in media since 1980.