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WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021

WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021

In an historic move, the 67th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution endorsing the WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021, Better health for all people with disability.

WHO ACTION PLAN 2014 – 2021 for Persons with Disabilites

WHO ACTION PLAN 2014 – 2021 for Persons with Disabilites

This plan supports the implementation of the CRPD, in particular Articles 12 (Legal capacity), 19 (Living independently and being included in the community), 20 (Personal mobility), 25 (Health), 26 (Habilitation and rehabilitation), 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection), 31 (Statistics and data collection) and 32 (International cooperation).

World report on disability

World report on disability

The first ever World report on disability, produced jointly by WHO and the World Bank, suggests that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability. People with disabilities have generally poorer health, lower education achievements, fewer economic opportunities and higher rates of poverty than people without disabilities.

Prevention of physically challenged in tamilnadu

Prevention of physically challenged in tamilnadu

Many physical disabilities do not have cure. Also, scientist do not know causes for many physical disabilities. But, there are some things that can be done to prevent some physical disabilities. Here are some ways that people can try to prevent having physical disabilities.