TALK AAC Device (Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device) which enables people with Developmental Disabilities like Locked-In Syndrome & Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Speech Impairments like Dysarthria and even Mutes to communicate in normal form of speech.
How to Use:
Why use TALK:
Easy to Use : The users don’t have to learn complicated matrix maps to select right symbols to synthesis speech neither they have to strain their eyes by gazing over the screen to express themselves. They only have to exhale, which they do thousands of times a day, to put their expression.
Comfortable : Unlike other AAC devices, TALK doesn’t restrict users to a wheelchair. Also it doesn’t expect the user to twitch a muscle continuously causing fatigue or gaze at a screen for long hours causing eye strain. This makes it usable for people with Speech Impairments & Mutes and at the same time make it lot more comfortable.
Affordable : TALK is the world’s most Affordable Aided AAC Device costing $199 only – for both the Box and the Earclip.
Portable : TALK weighs nothing more than a regular smartphone and also fits in the similar dimensions making it the Most Compact AAC Device ever built for people who are almost entirely paralysed.
9 Differently Voice : TALK has 9 different voices not only for different genders but also for various age groups. The voices can be changed using a button present on the Box or using the Earclip.
Who is TALK for:
- People with Developmental Disabilities – Locked-In Syndrome, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Tetraplegia etc.
- People with Brain Stem Stroke Syndrome.
- People who have gone through Tracheotomy Surgery.
- People with Vocal Cord Paralysis.
- People with Speech Impairments – Dysarthria etc.
- People who cannot speak – Mutes etc.
Talk | An Innovative AAC Device for People with Developmental Disabilities
Talk is a revolutionary AAC device for people with Speech Impairments. It is Ultra-Portable, Super-Light and increases the Speaking Rate by at-least 300%.
Dr. Rajul Agarwal on TALK – http://youtu.be/…
for more details : https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/talk-an-innovative-aac-device-for-people-with-speech-impairments#home