Tempo Duo - enabled.in

Tempo Duo

The Tempo Duo is composed of the Tempo Dualski frame equipped with a piloting equal bar is mounted at the rear of it, the seat of your choice and small carving skis.


The two main versions: “Active” Tempo Duo and Grand Comfort Tempo Duo. You are free to configure your won tempo Duo by choosing your seat, the high blocking footers and the position of the frame for the chairlift.

Designed for people who can not ski by themselves , the Tempo Duo gives them the feeling of the site skier skiing alone and to use the pilot a great pleasure.

The companion Half could help a dependent person or drive a person totally dependent.

The performance and the easiness of the Tempo Bring Plenty of pleasure to the two people who formed the duo.

The most active skiers will go to a standard articulated bucket seat or the seat: will this give more choice mobility and a forward position of the body to participate totally to the glide trajectories.

Will dependent skiers go the “Grand Comfort” bucket seat. New ergonomic shape and wider sitting pace. Dressed with a new cover, with a new foam of an optimum comfort.

Developed for the Tempo and the Tandem’Flex, The high quality shock absorber is Equipped with a progressive spring and easily adjustable thanks to the quick save system designed by Tessier. Its very fast and easy to adjust it to the skier weight.

Two strong gas jacks help them rise up the tempo duo to take the chairlift. Kinematica was the Tempo frame optimized to keep the gravity center in the ski center in high position. The balance is perfect was everything done to facilitate the chairlift use.

TESSIER – Tarifs 14-15

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For Product Enquiry


Z.I. François Horteur
73660 Saint Rémy de Maurienne – France
Tél. +33 (0) 479.83.51.52 / Fax +33 (0) 479.83.51.53
Mail : info[at]dualski.com
website : http://www.dualski.com

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