The Present - Positive Energy -

The Present – Positive Energy

The Present from Jacob Frey

In the short film, which is based on a comic book strip by a Brazilian artist named Fabio Coala Cavalcanti, the boy opens up a box from his mother to find a small, excited puppy inside. The boy’s joy, however, quickly turns to disgust when he realizes the dog only has three legs.
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He tosses the pup aside to continue with his game. “Get lost!” he says, shoving him away.
Clearly not one to dwell on negative energy, the playful dog stumbles while he chases a ball around the room. He grows on the boy.
The film, called “The Present,” was created by Jacob Frey and Markus Kranzler in 2014 as a graduation project while they were students at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany. It went on to win dozens of international awards — 59, as they count — in Canada, the U.S., Italy, Portugal, South Korea, and more.
the present
And it didn’t just land the filmmakers a ton of awards. Today, Frey works at Walt Disney Animation Studios and Kranzler at Pixar Animation Studios here in the Bay Area.


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