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Job fair 2010 for Differently Abled Persons

Job fair 2010 for Differently Abled Persons

Equitable Employment Opportunities For Persons With Disabilities

The singular success of the Foundation’s Employment Wing was in sensitising leading corporates from every industry, to offer unbiased, equal opportunity employment and to comprehend the advantages of placing candidates with disabilities on par with others. We decided to expand this know-how to a wider segment of candidates and companies.

Employment for Differently abled People

Employment for Differently abled People

WE OFTEN hear about employment exchanges both in the public and private sectors offering jobs to normal people.Since, India is now on a take off stage on the world map on all fronts, therefore, it would be ideal if more and more employment exchanges exclusively for differently abled people, both in the public sector as […]

Indian IT firms open up to the differently abled

Indian IT firms open up to the differently abled

Despite enacting landmark legislation to promote the rights of people with disability in the past decade and an increasing awareness of their marginalization, India’s actions to promote the rights of eight percent of its citizens has been found wanting, a World Bank report says.

The Differently Abled Person features

The Differently Abled Person features

Flipping through the newspaper one fine morning, a not-so-unusual news caught my attention. The heading goes like this, “Private Airline offloads wheelchair-bound man”. Digging deeper into the main body of the news, t

How can i get a job?

How can i get a job?

I am disabled and I want a job for the disabled — but there is a problem. In fact, there are several problems. What can I do to overcome these problems and find a job?

Differently-abled become IT-enabled

Differently-abled become IT-enabled

The spirit to excel in life has made these differently abled persons to foray into IT-enabled Services(ITeS) after they formed a selfhelp group (SHG) specifically for this purpose.