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Srilalitha Learning Centre for Special Children

Srilalitha Learning Centre for Special Children

Sri Lalitha – is a creative school catering for the children in the age group of 5 to 15years with moderate Learning Difficulties, Slow Learners, Drop Outs, Speech Problem, Communication Disorder and Autism. The learning centre seeks to provide a friendly, caring and safe environment in which the children can develop their potential by having equal access to quality educational opportunities and experiences.

Samarpana- Home for mentally retarded

Samarpana- Home for mentally retarded

The main object of “SAMARPANA” is to serve the society in general and the deprived sections of the society like SPASTIC and MENTALLY RETARDED, disabled, old aged, deserted women, orphans, destitute’s etc., in particular and to strive for the upliftment of the society, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Anbagam Special Educational Trust

Anbagam Special Educational Trust

Anbagam Special Educational Trust (ASET) is recognized for providing special care and training to all children fulfilling their special needs. We have implemented Individualized Education Program based on individualized assessment for the purpose. The school gives training to children according to their nature, capability and severity of disability. Based on each child’s level of functioning, teaching aids and learning materials are preferred to benefit them. We give additional attention to each child with a view to improve their activities of daily living, functional academic skills, and many more.

Global Telugu Tamil People Foundation

Global Telugu Tamil People Foundation

GTPF strongly believe that in the present scenario of world transformation into Economic Liberalisation and reforms which inturn is likely to spread different cultures among our children. Voluntary organisations like ours have a greater role in taking up the welfare activities, for the upliftment of the down trodden , developmentally delayed and the handicapped and so on. GTPF all along has involved itself in the creation of AIDS Awareness, developing the abilities of physical and mental children so that they earn a better status in society.

Pathway India

Pathway India

One of the key factors in helping people build self-esteem and self-sufficiency is having a job and earning an income. Pathway recognizes the unique challenges of training mentally and physically disabled children and adults with skills that will qualify them for some type of rudimentary employment. As such, they have developed a comprehensive vocational program that includes several levels of training and development, as well as internal income-generating activities and outside job placement.

Citizen Development Centre

Citizen Development Centre

Welfare and development for the Leprosy persons, Handicapped, poor destitute women and downtrodden people. The secular, non partisan, Non profitable, Non religious, Non political society of CITIZEN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE has been given birth and registered on 10-01-1997 under T.N. Society Regd. Act 27 of 1975 Regd. No. 9/1997. CDC is also committed to complete elimination of poverty in its service area.

Larencce Charitable Trust

Larencce Charitable Trust

The Mission of the Trust is to reach out its charitable activities to the differently abled, Orphan / abandoned children and also persons below poverty line by providing medical, educational and livelihood support to uplift them in their lives towards self reliance irrespective of their age, caste, creed or community.

Myrtle Social Welfare Network

Myrtle Social Welfare Network

Myrtle Social Welfare Network is a National level non profit charitable organization equipped with renowned professionals working in relevant social fields. Myrtle had conducted more than 2500 Muppet shows and 100’s of Camps, Retreats, workshop and trainings in various settings ranging from different social activities to Government departments, Educational Institutions, Faith based organizations, INGO’s, NGO’s and UN Agencies.

Agape Rehabilitation Center

Agape Rehabilitation Center

The Agape Rehabilitation Center in Chennai works to give them the skills to hopefully find a job.”Our students have special needs so a regular computer center might not patient or modified to suit their needs, so this special center is very essential,” said Agape Coordinator Avitha Daniel.

Prema Vasam- Home for the Mentally & Less Fortunate Children

Prema Vasam- Home for the Mentally & Less Fortunate Children

PREMA VASAM is a A home for the Mentally & Physically Challenged and Less Fortunate Children. It is the only home of its kind that caters to the needs of a large number of special children along with the less fortunate normal children. It aims to work with these special children and their families irrespective of caste, creed, religion and financial background. As the name Prema Vasam means, it is a place of love or where love resides. Prema Vasam provides residential care to the children who are differently abled, mentally challenged and less fortunate. It renders relentless service to these children to realize their potentials and to enable them to serve others. It is registered under Charitable Trust Act, Registration No.419 of 1999. Further it is a non profitable organization.