Organizations Archives - Page 19 of 30 -
Good life centre

Good life centre

The center runs a home for orphans and mentally challenged children with support from a dedicated selfless team of volunteers, trained social workers, teachers and caretakers

Karunai Villa Trust

Karunai Villa Trust

We provide them with all basic needs such as shelter, clothes, food and necessary treatment. Also provided with special education through the specially trained teachers.

Ashirwaad special school

Ashirwaad special school

It is estimated that at least 3% of the world’s population are specially challenged children. This could be various types of disabilities ranging from single disability to multiple disabilities. India has a large undetermined population of persons with disabilities. These special children often found themselves in this state owing to a lack of awareness, to recognize early symptoms of disabilities, even by their parents.

Annai Special School

Annai Special School

Annai Special School in 1996, a group of committed social activists, professionals, and trained special educators of mentally handicapped children established the “Annai Special School”, in order to provide free educational and other support services to mentally retarded children from poor families.

Christian Foundation for the Blind

Christian Foundation for the Blind

Christian Foundation for the Blind – India is a Spiritual, Social, Charitable and non-profit Registered organisation offering its services to the Blind, Disabled and Destitute Men, Women and Children in India in meeting their Spiritual, Social, Educational and Rehabilitation needs.

Mission to the blind

Mission to the blind

India holds the largest blind population, who live in desperate physical and spiritual needs. Mission To The Blind is an expression of God’s love and concern for them.

National Federation of the Blind

National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind came into existence in the year 1970 with the philosophy “Let the Blind Lead the Blind”. The objectives for which the Federation has been established include; to strive for equality of opportunity for the Blind in the field of Education, Training and Employment etc. The Federation is serving the blind community through its various Welfare programmes run by 51 branches and units through out the Country. It has strong membership of about 1, 00,000 and it is affiliated to World Blind Union.The National Federation of the Blind came into existence in the year 1970 with the philosophy “Let the Blind Lead the Blind”. The objectives for which the Federation has been established include; to strive for equality of opportunity for the Blind in the field of Education, Training and Employment etc. The Federation is serving the blind community through its various Welfare programmes run by 51 branches and units through out the Country. It has strong membership of about 1, 00,000 and it is affiliated to World Blind Union.

Lotus Blind Welfare Trust of India

Lotus Blind Welfare Trust of India

LOTUS runs a hostel for the poor, blind girls who are pursuing their higher studies in various city colleges. All the inmates of the hostel hail from very poor families in the small towns and villages of Tamilnadu, who after completing their schooling have come to Chennai driven by their desire to pursue their higher studies.

Journeys without Barriers – Travel Another India

Journeys without Barriers – Travel Another India

Journeys without Barriers (JwB), a wing of Travel Another India, is an initiative that provides the experience of barrier-free travel for an emerging global market- that of persons with disabilities and senior citizens.

The Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education (FDMSE)

The Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education (FDMSE)

The aim of this FDMSE is to translate the declaration of Swami Vivekananda into action. With regard to proper education, he had said that all perfection and powers were already within each individual, and education was the means to make them manifest in the lives of individuals.