Karnataka Government Special Schools with Central Grant In Aid
Name & Address of the Karnataka Government Special schools runs With the Help of Central Grant In Aid
Name & Address of the Karnataka Government Special schools runs With the Help of Central Grant In Aid
Name & Address of Hostels , Runs with the help of State Grant in aid for Disabled ( Persons with Disabilities) Employed women & Girls
List of Karnataka Government Differently abled Institutes
List of Karnataka Government Differently abled District Departments
List of Addresses of all District Differently Abled Welfare Offices in Tamil Nadu
Stepping into Vision Rehabilitation What you see is not a function of your eyes, but the strength of your inner vision ….
A complete intervention program for all developmental disorders and disabilities under one roof. Mingling of professionals in team approach paves a unique way for outstanding treatment prognosis to patients.
Volunteers played an active role in the dissemination of the Universal Braille Kit Project (UBK). This is a Kit of 8 devices, some of them, new original designs by Vidya Vrikshah and some, existing standard products. The Kit, accompanied by simple instruction manuals in the local languages, was designed to enable any literate person anywhere in India,
Disha’s motto is to light as many lives as possible and as it signifies, our mission is to make a positive change in the lives of as many needy as possible, by means of education, support and empowerment.
To enhance the Quality of Life of the Persons with Mental Disabilities and facilitate their reintegration in the environment of their choice. Mobilize resources both within and outside the community, for the rehabilitation of the persons with mental disabilities.