iBall Aasaan4 mobile phone with Braille, talking keyboard feature
iBall Aasaan4 mobile – Braille Keypad, large keypad, taking keypad, Medicine Reminder, Hearing Aid, Magnifier, Speed Dial Voice Assistance for Incoming call.
List of Latest Assistive Devices and Technology products for Persons with Disabilities. We provide the information with web accessibility features.
iBall Aasaan4 mobile – Braille Keypad, large keypad, taking keypad, Medicine Reminder, Hearing Aid, Magnifier, Speed Dial Voice Assistance for Incoming call.
Atharva Concepts – Easy Walk – advanced Laser Cane for Parkinson’s Patients “Easy Walk” generates Laser Line and Audio, both act as Cue to break Freezing.
Tobii Dynavox PCEye Mini Unbeatable computer access through gaze interaction – A solution for Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Advanced light filtering for use in bright light – Advanced engineering for successful integration – Full control of your PC using only your eyes
Microsoft has unveiled a new Xbox Adaptive controller with customizable features for Gamers with Disabilities.
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired – LookTel Money Reader, Kindle, TapTapSee, Be My Eyes and AccessNote & Dragon Dictation.
eSight Glass – #EveryoneDeservesToSee – high-speed, high-resolution camera captures, OLED screens, Full color video images without delay.
GlassOuse has been used by thousands of people to connect technology in homes, schools, rehab centers, hospitals computers, phones, tablets and Smart TVs.
Jellow Communicator is a friendly Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that uses icons and images to enable speech.
Divyang Sarathi Mobile App for Persons with Disabilities – The accessible and comprehensive mobile application for persons with disabilities.