Power Wheelchair KP-12T for Children with Cerebral Palsy / Muscular Dystrophy
KARMA Power Wheelchair KP-12T for Children with Cerebral Palsy / Muscular Dystrophy
List of Latest Assistive Devices and Technology products for Persons with Disabilities. We provide the information with web accessibility features.
KARMA Power Wheelchair KP-12T for Children with Cerebral Palsy / Muscular Dystrophy
BAUM Pronto! 18 V4 Braille Organizer – The compact, pocket-sized organizer for the blind and an invaluable tool for use at school, at work, or at home.
BAUM VarioPro Braille Display – Flexible and Easily Adaptable Braille Display – Primarily Designed for the workplace environment.
Seeing AI IOS App – A free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, power of AI to describe people, text and objects
Chalte Raho is a walking stick that stimulates movement in Parkinson’s patients with Freezing of gait. Launched in 2017 it is already helping people all over India move better.
Android Jellow Communicator is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that uses icons/images to enable speech.
Dot Watch – The Braille smartwatch has reinvented tactile communication, bringing modern innovation to the visually impaired.
BLITAB® is the World’s first tactile tablet for blind and visually impaired people. Curve Braille device for reading & writing that displays one page
Jellow Communicator App is a friendly Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that uses icons/images to enable speech.
Horizon A3 Scanner with motion sensing technology having a 16 megapixel high resolution camera and thus provides best OCR results for A3 size books.