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Techshare India 2012 – Call for Papers

Techshare India 2012 – Call for Papers

Accessibility conference and exhibition “Techshare India 2012 – Bridging the Barriers” invites submissions of papers for this conference to be held on February 6th & 7th, 2012 at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India. The list is suggestive of the types of papers for consideration, but by no means restrictive to these specific areas.

Adaptive Equipment for Autistic Children

Adaptive Equipment for Autistic Children

Children with autism have different needs than other, non-disabled children. In some cases, the autistic child may also have physical disabilities, in addition to the expected social, situational and sensory difficulties. Adaptive equipment is anything that can be used to help your autistic child function more effectively. It may include anything from special cups or straws to PECS or items to help stop “stimming” (self-stimulation).

Autism in India

Autism in India

In April Vibha observed ‘Autism Awareness’ Month. Most of us were probably not even aware of the existence of ‘Autism Awareness Month ‘or may be some of us just shrugged it off as one of the plentitude of ‘awareness months’. For about 0.66% of people worldwide and their families, autism is a part of their life not just during the month of April but month after month, year after year. Yes, it is a fact that autism affects 1 in every 150 people worldwide and that it is the fastest growing disability with an annual growth of 10-17%. At India’s current population, it is estimated that there are 1.7 million autistic persons in the country. However the majority of autistic people in India have not been diagnosed and do not receive the services they need.

Useful tips for those who live and work with a deaf person

Useful tips for those who live and work with a deaf person

We translated them here, adding some more to contribute to their spread and to stimulate the sharing of other valuable suggestions. Sometimes the actions taken by a person with retinitis pigmentosa or hearing loss or Usher are repeated so as to be automatic, but making the effort to transform them into words and communicate them to others, could help those who have never experienced some of the techniques and situations.

Register Your Identity and know your rights

Register Your Identity and know your rights

Kindly register the identity of disabled person to get proper benefits and recognition from the government also many disabled laws should be reconsider for the welfare of many disabled person.

How to Educate Blind and Deaf People

How to Educate Blind and Deaf People

Deaf and blind people fall into a broader category known as sensory impaired persons. Sensory impairments of this type actually fall into three different Nivh typologies, those who have blindness, those who have deafness, and those who have both blindness and deafness known as the deaf-blind.

Interacting with people with disabilities

Interacting with people with disabilities

Interaction with people with disabilities is an unfamiliar and sometimes threatening experience for many people. Avoidance behaviour can occur. Training can help staff deal with these issues.

Expectations of People with a Disability

Expectations of People with a Disability

his section covers some of the general issues that people with disabilities face every day and also some areas that a person with a disability would expect a librarian to have some knowledge about when approached about library facilities and services.

A Way with Words for Disability

A Way with Words for Disability

It is important to maintain natural language when interacting with people with disabilities. Some common usages are encouraged by the World Health Organization. Useful short definitions are: