New Railway Concession form
New Railway Concession form for Orthopaedically , Paraplegice persons, Patients, Hearing and speech impaired, visually impaired and Mentally retarded persons
List of Schemes for Persons with Disabilities from Government of India / State Government and Private Organization with accessibility features
New Railway Concession form for Orthopaedically , Paraplegice persons, Patients, Hearing and speech impaired, visually impaired and Mentally retarded persons
Under the 12th Plan a Scheme of Research on disability related technology, products and issues has been envisaged to provide for research for improving technology and products for p1% Quota for Visually Impaired, UPSC Puts Onus on CCAersons with disabilities in collaboration with scientific institutions in the country. An amount of Rs.10 crore has been earmarked for this purpose.
26 vacancies were reserved for persons with different disabilities and only two vacancies for candidates with vision impairment despite having an “unequivocal and clear statutory provision” of one per cent reservation.
மன நலம் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு உறைவிடம், உணவு, மருத்துவம் மற்றும் மறுவாழ்வு பயிற்சிகள் வழங்கப்படுகின்றன. ஒவ்வொரு இல்லத்திற்கும் 9 லட்சத்து 14 ஆயிரத்து 800 ரூபாய் வீதம், மொத்தம் 1 கோடியே 62 ஆயிரத்து 800 ரூபாயினை 11 இல்லங்களுக்கும் ஆண்டுதோறும் அரசு மானியமாக வழங்கி வருகிறது.
Scheme of giving Handicapped Identify Card to disability (Blind, Short-sighted, Deaf, Bone-related deficiency, Psychological deficiency, Psychological illness) persons
Central government schemes for differently abled – Loan for Purchase of Assistive Devices, Vocational Studies, Higher Studies, Self-Employment, NGOs and Business. Scholarship for Professional and Technical Courses
Upto five hundred awards are to be given annually through institutions in which students are pursuing studies/courses.
Implementation of the directions of “Supreme Court to implement the provisions ‘of Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 in Writ Petition (Civil) No.116 1998 – Justice Sunanda Bhandare Foundation vs. union of India & Ors ors.
All bank officials should be sensitised on the rights of and provisions for persons with disabilities in utilising all services provided by the bank as well as a pro-active approach towards persons with disabilities.
IBPS Eligibility Criteria for reservation that Suffer from 2014, not less than 40% of relevant disability and are certified by a Medical Board constituted by the Central / State Govt.