3% Reservation in Allotment of Land to Differently abled
3% reservation in allotment of the shops/stalls is provided by the Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development, for physically handicapped persons.
List of Schemes for Persons with Disabilities from Government of India / State Government and Private Organization with accessibility features
3% reservation in allotment of the shops/stalls is provided by the Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development, for physically handicapped persons.
Prevention of disabilities by monitoring causative factors; detection and treatment t o arrest further progression of disabilities
Application in the prescribed format to be submitted to the State Channelising Agency for sanction of loan as per the lending policy of National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation.
Invites applications from Students with Disabilities for award of Scholarship under the two Scholarship Schemes are Trust Fund and National Fund
This includes provision for ramps, rails, lifts, adaptation of toilets for wheelchair users, brail signage and auditory signals, tactile flooring, etc
Consolidated instruction of DOP&T on 3% Reservation for Reservation for the Persons with Disabilities
by ten years ( 15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts; by 5 years (10 years for SCs/STs and 8 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group’ A’ and Group ‘B’ posts
Reservation for persons with disabilities in case of Group C and Group D posts shall be computed on the basis of total number of vacancies occurring in all Group C or Group D posts, as the case may be
State bank of India ( Corporate Centre – Mumbai ) e-Circular. identify the Tasks/Roles for “Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)” implementation in the Bank
This demand has been made on the ground that a Government employee raises a kind of support system for his/her disabled child over a period of time in the locality where he/she resides which helps them in the rehabilitation.